Interviews with Child Language Researchers

IASCL has conducted interviews with child language researchers for many years through our Child Language Bulletin and more recently through video interviews uploaded to YouTube. We also gather external interviews with child language researchers.

IASCL video interviews on YouTube

At the end of 2024, IASCL Media Coordinator Dr. Katie Von Holzen interviewed Dr. Celia Rosemberg, Principal Researcher at the Research Council of Argentina (CONICET, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) and Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. They talked about how she became interested in the study of language acquisition, her work with indigenous communities, children from different socioeconomic backgrounds, and Qom-Spanish adaptation of the Computerized Comprehension Test, as well as her work with IASCL as a member of the Travel Award Committee.


At the end of 2024, IASCL Media Coordinator Dr. Katie Von Holzen interviewed Dr. Fred Genesee, Professor Emeritus of the Psychology Department at McGill University. They talked about how he came to study psychology and focus on important topics such as bilingualism, international adoptees, and the importance of sign language. Dr. Genesee was also one of the recipients of the IASCL’s 2024 Roger Brown Award. You can find more details about Dr. Genesee on the Roger Brown Award page.


In mid-2024, IASCL Media Coordinator Dr. Katie Von Holzen interviewed Dr. Rowena Garcia, a postdoctoral researcher at the Developmental Psycholinguistics group of the University of Potsdam. They talked about how she came to be a child language researcher, diversity in child language research, and her ideas for the future of child language research. Dr. Garcia was also the winner of the inaugural, 2024 IASCL Early Career Award. You can find more details about Dr. Garcia as well as an interview congratulating her on the Award here.


At the end of 2023, IASCL Media Coordinator Dr. Katie Von Holzen interviewed Dr. Shanley Allen, Professor of Psycholinguistics and Language Development at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau and the incoming President of the Association. They talked about diversity in child language research, The Acquisition Sketch Project, career changes, and the many hats Dr. Allen has worn in the IASCL over the years.


In mid-2023, our Media Coordinator Dr. Katie Von Holzen interviewed Dr. Filip Smolík, Associate Professor in the Institute of Psychology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Organizing Committee Chair of IASCL 2024, to take place between July 15th and 19th in 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic. They talked about the who, what, where, and why for the 2024 Congress, including things to see in Prague and the social program, as well as some IASCL history and a quick Czech language lesson.


In mid-2023, our Media Coordinator Dr. Katie Von Holzen interviewed Dr. Brian MacWhinney, Professor of Cognitive Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University and IASCL Assistant Secretary. They talked about Geology, Emergentism, CHILDES and TalkBank, favorite IASCL memories and looking forward to the 2024 Congress in Prague.

Interviews published in IASCL’s Child Language Bulletin

Jean Berko Gleason Vol. 41 No 1: August 2021

Anne Baker Vol. 34 No 2: December 2014

Eve Clark Vol. 32 No 1: August 2012

Gary Morgan Vol. 29 No 2: December 2009

Virginia Yip Vol. 29 No 1: June 2009

Elena Lieven Vol. 28 No 1: December 2008

Jean Berko Gleason Vol. 26 No 1: July 2006

Gina Conti-Ramsden Vol. 25 No 2: December 2005

Annette Karmiloff-Smith Vol. 25 No 1: June 2005

Eve Clark Vol. 23 No 1: May 2003

Elena Lieven Vol. 21 No 2: November 2001

Jon Miller Vol. 20 No 2: November 2000

Jean Berko Gleason Vol. 20 No 1: May 2000

Miguel Siguán Vol 19, No 2: November 1999

External interviews with child language researchers

Jean Berko Gleason was interviewed on the podcast “Butter No Parsnips” by Emily Moyers and Kyle Imperatore in April 2024.


Annick De Houwer was interviewed by Ludovica Serratrice in 2016 about “The importance of home language maintenance” in families where more than one language is spoken.