Daniela Gatt

Email: daniela(dot)gatt(at)um(dot)edu(dot)mt

Dr. Daniela Gatt is an Associate Professor with the Department of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Malta. She holds a B.Sc (Hons) degree in Communication Therapy (University of Malta) and a M.Ed. (Bilingualism in Education) (University of Birmingham). She was awarded a Ph.D. by the University of Malta in 2010. Her thesis investigated early vocabulary production in children raised in bilingual Maltese families. In 2007, her doctoral research earned her the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics Student Award for Excellence in Research.

Her research interests include typical and atypical language development in bilingual and multilingual contexts, with a focus on lexical and narrative skills. She has published her research in various international journals. She is a registered speech-language pathologist and an active promoter of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness.